Our Motivation

Time and again, our soldiers and their families are asked to give of themselves for the rest of us. While they ask little in return, we owe them so much. Through education, we give back to those who gave. We give back to “Our Own.” It’s the least we can do.

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Scholar Spotlight

Our brilliant scholarship recipients exemplify resilience. When faced with adversity, they not only persevere, they thrive.

Reflecting on all the experiences and opportunities available to her, Danielle fondly remembers her father, U.S. Army Sgt. Horace Devins, who passed in 2014. “I am grateful for his service and sacrifice. Everything he did for the family set me up for success and allowed me to thrive. With the values he instilled and the support of this scholarship, I am able to focus on my education, goals, and dreams.”

Keyghan started his college journey at Austin Community College, and is now transferring to Texas Tech to complete his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. With interests in real estate and energy commerce, Keyghan’s dream is to become an entrepreneur. Staff Sergeant Michael Burns, U.S. Army, Retired, is Keyghan’s proud father. Staff Sergeant Burns was injured in Iraq when the explosion of an enemy rocket sent shrapnel into his body, ultimately resulting in an above-the-knee leg amputation.

Brenda says, “Receiving the JMSF scholarship honors the hard work and sacrifice made by my parents. My father served our country and retired from the U.S. Army with the intent of sharing any benefits he earned with my brother and me. My mother, while raising two kids and growing in her own career, was the sole parent throughout multiple deployments. This scholarship will allow me to pursue my goals and make my parents even prouder.”

Our Impact


in scholarships since our founding in 2014


Johnny Mac Scholars’ educational dreams funded


Earning our industry’s highest grades for integrity and accountability

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A donation of just $20 per month helps fund a scholarship for a military child of our nation’s fallen or disabled.

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Army-Navy Tailgate

December 14, 2024 10:00 am

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